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The Holy Labor of Weeding Out Modernism
Author: Nathaniel Slattery
Posted: Month of the Holy Family, 17th Day, Year of Our Lord 2023, St. Flavian’s Day
Square Embroidered Bookmark made by my wife, laying on an open copy of the Catechism of Trent

St Flavian’s Day (pray for us)

I have received two submissions which originated from this site for publishing. They have put me in the mind of more to say on the subject of literature, particularly the composition thereof. One of these has resolved: I told the writer that he would have to change and improve some things for the sake of my conscience, he responded that he was too busy on his next book, and after prayer I told him in detail, out of concern for his soul, what things were of issue in his book, for which he thanked me. The other, I have said something similar, and I await a response.

There is a similar labor in which I am involved: the library at my parish church. It had sat for several years in neglect and was overflowing with heretical and malicious works. I was praying one day and found myself inclined to pour more soul into the work, because I was put in mind of my dear pastor’s particular judgement, in which he will have to answer for the state of that library, as well as every soul in the city limits.

In this labor I have learned much about the insidious nature of modern error, which stems from a very long work of the devil. This work of our enemy began about the years of the Protestant Rebellion and developed into philosophy with Descartes, the profane sciences with Darwin, and theology, both inside and outside the One Church (which does not include schismatics from the East) by the impetus of the Masonic Sects about which Our Lady of Good Success warned us (pray for us). This then reaches a crowning achievement in the pontificates of John XXIII and Paul VI, the one which was probably a heretic (according to a priest who recently died achieving indulgences and also the Vatican which had him on a list of “suspected of Modernism”) and the other a little cowardly (according to the same priest). I understand that these two have been canonized, but my understanding is that “there is nothing which declares the canonization of a saint an infallible act”. This was the answer I received when I took my troubled conscience to my spiritual director, that same holy priest, because I was unable to venerate these and other canonizations, such as the patron saint of videogames, Carlo Acutis, God rest his soul. 

I have summarized things to get to my point, which is eminently practical. If you have any concerns about what I have said, please pray for me to Our Lord and Our Lady of Sorrows, and I can be contacted at nathainelslat@gmail.com.

I see now that what I wanted to say about the composition of any modern books or written work of permanency, such as these articles that can be called up at any time, can be said about any work in this miserable and hopeful age, because one day all books will be laid out to everyone along with the thoughts behind them at the Final Judgement. For a book can be more or less Modernist, in its parts or in its whole, and actually certainly will be; so too, a physician’s work can be done to various degrees of Modernism; and cattle can be cared for by someone in a Modernist manner anywhere along the spectrum of the errors. Because a book can for instance be devoted to the heresy of indifferentism, or it could in a single instance promote the idea that women are better off in an independent state. A physician can submit himself body, mind, and soul to the injustices of the modern hospital system, or he can a single time remove a person’s tonsils during a necessary atenoid surgery, because “he is going in there anyways” (this happened to me). The idea being that the human body is a product of random mutation with several extra useless parts and not a precise product of God’s intimate Creations. And cattle can be kept as if they were equals except for the accidents of the intellect, with much pampering and consideration, or they can be slaughtered with sorrow over the pain of an irrational beast, instead of over the sin of Adam that makes all Creation subject to death and with much meditation on our own ends, whether we be harvested of good and healthy virtue or all of our meat be poisoned by the leakage of one, final, intestinal sin. Even a fence can be built with a spirit of restless anxiety for accomplishment or with a spirit of recollection and penance.

This last shows the true labor, which is on the thoughts and wicked ponderings of the heart. For these errors which we are mired in by our upbringing, churched or unchurched, come out in all our actions. And there is much hope in the endless good labor of purifying ourselves and our actions. As relates to writing, when I edit or consider for publication, there should be no shame or surprise that this or that thing is harmful to the soul. Rather, we should expect that, and hope for a great reward from God, for never tiring of weeding the Modernism out of our works and our hearts from which our works come.

The wonderful apparition of Our Lady of Good Success, which we just celebrated two weeks ago, prophecies a chastisement and then a triumph. If we emerge into a world with vast tracts of land desolate by fire from Heaven, two thirds of the people having perished, and we having just spent three days in darkness in unmitigated prayer and meditation, then we will emerge very eager for the glory of God. And what will we see? Probably the same things as now: lustful billboards, gluttonous advertisements, avaricious books, slothful amusements, wrathful stories, envious and prideful hearts written into the very architecture. And we will likely spend much of our time joyfully tearing these things down.

So how should we spend our time now? What reward would there be for those who chastise their own hearts and everything that comes to their hands to do? They will triumph in their labors, because no matter whether it is destroyed or put to any purpose on Earth, it will be the glory of God, and it will be shown on that last day.

We should build these things up and tear these other things down without concern for whether it lasts. St Kentigern, if memory serves, built a great library and hten had to flee from barbarians who destroyed it. What does it matter? What did Job’s first family matter? Souls are immortal, and our works are judged at the end of time, not by our posterity, but by God Himself.

This article has been short and difficult because of a particular penance. Pray for my courage.

May the Lord reward you,

Nathaniel Slattery,

Taurus Necrus Publishing

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