Category: Uncategorized

Life of St. Ferdinand

Saint Ferdinand  – Born 1198, died as Confessor on 30th of Mary, 1252 In the traditional images of the liturgical seasons used by Dom Prosper Gueranger, the season of Christmas has the Emperor Charlemagne depicted as guarding over the manger of our Lord, with his imperial crown and “a sword in his fearless hand”. In […]

Life of St. Maximilian Kolbe

Saint Maximilian Kolbe – Born Jan 8, 1884, received his crown 1941                 Saint Maximilian Kolbe was born in 1894, at a very interesting time in Church history and Polish history, where he was born. At the time, the Church was under major attack by the Freemasons, and Poland was subjugated by Russia, Prussia, and […]

Against Conservatism

3) Against the Bill of Rights Against the Bill of Rights & American Freedom Mr. Kendall, you begin your essay with a lengthy technical discussion of the circumstances in which the Bill of Rights came to be amended to the Constitution. This is something of a marker for Conservative thought. It seems to me that […]

5) Mechanics

4) Number I have broken a larger essay into portions. As for number: God is infinite and immeasurable. He is best and highest, goodness and being, and a number of other terms that can be called qualitative. Because of all this, He has ordered all things by weight and measure, and this He adds to […]

On Understanding Women

4) The Third Aspect This is a portion of a larger essay which I hope to print. It is for the purpose of instructing men, especially those pursuing the consecration of their purity. Scroll to the bottom for previous segments. The Third Aspect When I say “our women” I am implying a level of ownership […]

On Understanding Women

3) The Second Aspect In this section, I have assessed the differences of men and women in the area of perfection. Before publication, I now go back and look at this. I have made very strong theological statements of my own thinking, this by speculation on Thomas Aquinas. I have no doubt that the fundamental […]


Beowulf displays to us three things related to virtuous living: 1) natural magnanimity; 2) the craft of a scribe; and 3) the futility of this life as shown best at the day of ashes. Natural Magnanimity On the first, natural magnanimity, I am talking of that particular way of life which men honored highly before […]

Against Conservatism

2) Against Mr. Russell Kirk Below, I have begun to speak with you, Mr. Kirk, without having learned of you who you were. In this way, I hope to simulate a real conversation, where we do not often know a person with whom we shall never reconcile. This as opposed to those with whom I […]

How to Write Fiction

5) Mechanics 3) Name I have broken a larger essay into portions. Name is a funny one. There is no doubt that God values a name most particularly and makes them very significant even for every average person, and I think even for fictional characters. We read in Genesis how He brought the animals to […]